Roadrunner Capitol Reports
Legislation Detail


Rep Andrea R Reeb

Actions: HPREF [2] not prntd-HRC

Scheduled: Not Scheduled

image of sponsor
 House Bill 66 (HB 66) - This legislative act focuses on regulating cannabis production, sales, and possession, with specific attention to penalties for individuals under 21 and those without the required licenses. The act proposes to address both adult and minor offenses related to cannabis in the state of New Mexico. 
Legislation Overview:
 House Bill 66 (HB 66):  Section 1 - Personal Production of Cannabis - Specifies penalties for individuals aged 21 or older producing cannabis plants without a license.  Penalties include a fine and potential felony charges based on the number of mature or immature cannabis plants produced.  Introduces penalties for individuals aged 18 to 20 for cannabis production, with varying consequences based on the number of plants produced.  Section 2 - Unlicensed Sales of Cannabis - Defines "traffic" as distribution, sale, or possession with intent to distribute cannabis products.  Prohibits individuals without a license from intentionally trafficking cannabis products.  Establishes penalties for violations, including fines, drug education programs, community service, and potential misdemeanor or felony charges based on the age of the offender.  Section 3 - Unlawful Possession of Cannabis - Sets restrictions on cannabis possession for individuals under 21.  Penalties for violations include drug education programs or community service for those aged 18 to 20.  Specifies possession limits for individuals aged 21 or older in public places, with corresponding misdemeanor or felony charges based on the amount possessed.  Section 4 - Definitions in the Delinquency Act - Expands the definition of "cannabis" to include various parts of the cannabis plant and its derivatives.  Introduces definitions for "cannabis extract" and "cannabis product."  Adds "buying, attempting to buy, receiving, possessing or being served any cannabis product" to the list of offenses considered as a delinquent act.  he effective date of the provisions is July 1, 2024.