Roadrunner Capitol Reports
Legislation Detail


Rep Jenifer Marie Jones

Actions: [5] not prntd-HRC

Scheduled: Not Scheduled

image of sponsor
 HB 299 allows for the presence of certain drugs in facilities who provide services for withdrawal management purposes.  
Legislation Overview:
 Synopsis: HB 299 relates to pharmacies by modifying the Pharmacy Act to provide for custodial facilities acquiring and possessing controlled substances for withdrawal management. 

Analysis: House Bill 299 (HB 299) a modification to the Pharmacy Act to read: A licensed custodial care facility that is authorized to provide medically monitored withdrawal management and has nursing staff on-site twenty-four hours a day, three hundred sixty-five days per year, may acquire, stock, maintain and have in the facility's possession dangerous drugs, including controlled substances to be used for withdrawal management purposes.
A licensed custodial care facility, means any facility or business, including a nonprofit entity that provides care and services on a continuing basis, for two or more in-house residents, not related to the operator, and that maintains custody of the residents' drugs.
Label warnings on certain drugs are defined in HB299 as required by federal law.