Roadrunner Capitol Reports
Legislation Detail


Sen Bill Tallman

Actions: [4] SCC/SRC/SFC-SCC

Scheduled: Not Scheduled

image of sponsor
 Senate Bill 245 (SB 245): The legislative bill proposes the creation of a Joint Interim Public Works Committee, outlining its powers, duties, membership, and funding.  This bill is supposed to enhance oversight and evaluation of capital projects, with a focus on timely implementation and effective use of funds. The committee is granted powers to assess projects, make recommendations, and ensure accountability in the capital expenditure process. 
Legislation Overview:
 Senate Bill 245 (SB 245):  Section 1: Creation and Membership of the Public Works Committee
•	Defines terms such as "committee" and "stale capital project."
•	Establishes the Joint Interim Legislative Public Works Committee, with five members appointed by the speaker of the house and five by the senate committees' committee or president pro tempore.
•	Specifies the composition of the committee from majority and minority parties in both houses.
•	Describes the appointment of a chair and vice-chair, with rotating seats each year.
•	Allows the committee to take action only if a majority from both houses on the committee approves.
•	Details the appointment of five public members with expertise in relevant fields.
•	Specifies that public members are entitled to per diem and mileage but no other compensation.

Section 2: Powers and Duties of the Committee – Capital Project Review:
•	Outlines the committee's duties, including consulting with state agencies, holding hearings, and evaluating proposed capital projects.
•	Grants the committee the authority to request additional information during the review process.
•	Establishes criteria for ranking and prioritizing projects, considering factors such as public health and safety, financial benefits, job creation, operational impact, scheduling, and funding sources.
•	Requires the committee to monitor capital project balances and develop a list of prior authorized capital projects.
•	Mandates the submission of an annual report of findings and recommendations to relevant legislative bodies by November 1.

Section 3: Appropriation
•	Appropriates $210,000 from the general fund to the legislative council service for the fiscal year 2025.
•	Specifies the use of funds for two additional full-time-equivalent research staff positions in the capital outlay office and other expenses related to the public works committee.

Requires any unexpended or unencumbered balance to revert to the general fund at the end of fiscal year 2025.