Roadrunner Capitol Reports
Legislation Detail


Sen Michael Padilla

Actions: [1] SCC/STBTC/SFC-SCC [2]germane-STBTC [7] w/o rec/a-SFC

Scheduled: Not Scheduled

image of sponsor
 Senate Bill 45 (SB 45) provides for funding for educational technology infrastructure and amends various related acts. 
Legislation Overview:
 Addressing broadband infrastructure, Senate Bill 45 (SB 45) amends the tax administration act to provide for the issuance of supplemental severance tax bonds for education technology infrastructure; amends the Procurement Code to include professional service contracts for Broadband infrastructure within the exceptions to the four-year limitation on multi-term professional service contracts; enacts a new section of Chapter 62 NMSA 1978 to provide for the regulation of utility pole attachments; amends the Wireless Consumer Advanced Infrastructure Investment Act to include the state of New Mexico within the definition of "authority"; amends the Broadband Access and Expansion Act; adds definitions; creates the education technology infrastructure fund; provides for rulemaking; authorizes grants; amends the Connect New Mexico Act to provide for disbursements from the Connect New Mexico fund pursuant to vouchers signed by the director of the office of broadband access and expansion; transfers the public school facilities authority’s broadband deployment and connectivity program to the office of broadband access and expansion; and transfers broadband infrastructure from the department of information technology to the office of broadband access and expansion. 
Current Law:
 Various laws and revenue sources are already in place to support broadband infrastructure; the Act provides for additional/alternative revenue sources, reorganization, and other allowances designed to streamline/improve the current system. If the bill does not pass, broadband infrastructure will need to continue operation according to the status quo. 
 Amended January 22, 2024 in the Senate Tax, Business and Transportation Committee  

STBTCa/SB45: Senate Bill 45 (SB 45) is amended by the Senate Tax, Business and Transportation Committee as follows:

1.	On page 1, line 11, strike “TAX ADMINISTRATION” and insert in lieu thereof “SEVERANCE TAX BONDING”.

2.	On page 1, strike line 17 and strike line 18 through the semicolon.

3.	On pages 31 through 33, strike Section 7 in its entirety.

4.	Renumber the succeeding sections accordingly.

5.	On page 43, line 10, strike “12 and 13” and insert in lieu thereof “11 and 12”.

6.	On page 49, line 17, strike “--POWERS”.
Relates To:
 Senate Bill 43 (SB 43) - Enacting public easements for broadband 
Senate Bill 49 (SB 49)  - Rural Infrastructure Response Act