Roadrunner Capitol Reports
Legislation Detail


Sen George K Munoz

Actions: [2] SFC-SFC

Scheduled: Not Scheduled

image of sponsor
 Senate Bill 202 (SB 202) makes general appropriations and authorizes expenditures by state agencies required by law. 
Legislation Overview:
 Senate Bill 202 (SB 202) proposes appropriations and authorizes expenditures by state agencies required by law. Funding is detailed for the Legislative and Judicial branches, and for General Control, Commerce and Industry, Agriculture, Energy and Natural Resources, Health, Hospitals and Human Services, Public Safety, Transportation, Other Education, Higher Education, Public School Support, Special Appropriations, Information Technology, Compensation, Supplementary and Deficiency Appropriations, and the Government Accountability Expendable Trust.

Definitions are provided, and sources for appropriations are identified. The state budget division of the Department of Finance and Administration (DFA) is charged with monitoring revenue received by agencies from sources other than the General Fund and with reducing the operating budget of any agency whose revenue from such sources is not meeting projections. The DFA is charged with regular consultation with the Legislative Finance Committee (LFC) staff to monitor revenue collections and estimates and present plans to remedy deficits. In certain cases, allowances are made for budget transfers. Restrictions on what appropriations may be used for are set.
Current Law:
 If the bill does not pass, general appropriations will not be made, or will be delayed, and state agency expenditures will not be authorized. 
Relates To:
 Senate Bill 192 (SB 192) – General Appropriation Act
House Bill 2 (HB 2) – General Appropriation Act
House Bill 176 (HB 176) – General Appropriation Act