Roadrunner Capitol Reports
Legislation Detail


Rep Rodney "Rod" D Montoya

Actions: [3] HJC-HJC

Scheduled: Not Scheduled

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 House Memorial 18 (HM 18) relates to the current conflict in the Middle East, condemning antisemitism and supporting the state of Israel. 
Legislation Overview:
 The memorial provides background on the conflict and further asks that all New Mexico university and college presidents be called on to condemn acts of antisemitism on their campuses, that state elected officials be called on to ensure the security of Jewish communities and that other public officials be called on to address antisemitic actions.

Copies of the memorial are to be sent to the U.S. ambassador to Israel, the Governor and the state’s congressional delegation.
Relates To:
 HM 18 relates to HM 8, SM 3 and SM 6.