Roadrunner Capitol Reports
Legislation Detail


Sen Michael Padilla

Actions: [1] SCC/SHPAC/SJC-SCC

Scheduled: Not Scheduled

image of sponsor
 Senate Bill 30 (SB 30), relating to children, expands eligibility for the Fostering Connections Program. 
Legislation Overview:
 Senate Bill 30 (SB 30) makes the Fostering Connections Program available on a voluntary basis to an eligible adult who has attained at least eighteen years of age while in the legal custody of the department as a result of abuse and neglect proceedings, families in need of court-ordered services proceedings or a voluntary placement agreement. 
Current Law:
 The current law provides the Fostering Connections Program to eligible adults who are at least eighteen years old and who were adjudicated pursuant to the Children’s Code or its equivalent under tribal law, but does not extend eligibility to those who were in the legal custody of the department as a result of abuse, neglect, families in need of court-ordered services proceedings, or voluntary placement agreements. If the bill does not pass, the new allowances for eligibility will not be available. 
Relates To:
 House Bill 95 (HB 95) - Family in Need of Court-Ordered Services
House Bill `03 (HB 103) - Child Exposure to Controlled Substances