Roadrunner Capitol Reports
Legislation Detail


Sen Antonio "Moe" Maestas

Actions: [2] SCC/SHPAC/STBTC-SCC [3]germane-SHPAC [6] DP/a-STBTC [7] DP - PASSED/S (20-16) [13] HCEDC-HCEDC [14] DP - PASSED/H (63-3) SGND BY GOV (Feb. 29) Ch. 30.

Scheduled: Not Scheduled

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 Senate Bill 176 (SB 176) amends and enacts sections of the Professional Athletic Competition Act (PACT); adds definitions; adds and increases fees; adds weight classes; requires state champions; extends the termination dates of the PACT and the New Mexico Athletic Commission (NMAC). 
Legislation Overview:
 Senate Bill 176 (SB 176) amends and enacts sections of the Professional Athletic Competition Act (PACT); adds definitions; adds and increases fees; adds weight classes; requires state champions; extends the termination dates of the PACT and the New Mexico Athletic Commission (NMAC).

Definitions are added for “closed circuit telecast” and “exhibition.” The definition for professional boxer or professional wrestler is split to have separate definitions for each, and specific definitions are provided for “sports entertainment wrestler” and “sports entertainment wrestling.” The definition for “professional contest” is revised. Definitions are added for “professional kickboxing,” “professional martial artist” and “professional mixed martial artist.” Stylistic changes are made throughout for consistency.

License fees are increased, and fees are added for new categories. A statement is added to clarify that “an unarmed combatant may hold a professional license in one commission licensing category while maintaining amateur status in other unarmed disciplines.
New material is added to specify weight limits for championship professional boxing contests. New material is added to require state champions and ranked contenders in professional boxing.

The termination date of the NMAC is extended to July 1, 2029, and the termination date of the PACT is extended to July 1, 2030.
Current Law:
 If the bill does not pass, the amended and added definitions, including new athletic categories, will not be put into effect. Further, license fees would remain as is, the specified weight limits would not be available, and the issue regarding status in multiple categories would be unaddressed. Further, the current expiration date for the NMAC would be July 1, 2023, and the PACT expiration date would be July 1, 2024. 
 Amended January 31, 2024 in the Senate Health and Public Affairs Committee

SHPACa/SB 176: The Senate Health and Public Affairs Committee revises the bill as follows:

1. On page 12, lines 11 and 12, strike "unarmed combatants who are". 
2. On page 12, line 12, after "the", insert "maximum".