Roadrunner Capitol Reports
Legislation Detail


Rep Kathleen M Cates

Actions: [3] not prntd-HRC

Scheduled: Not Scheduled

image of sponsor
 HB224 requires the Workforce Solutions Department to create a poster enumerating various services available to veterans.. The Veterans Services Department is to be consulted.  
Legislation Overview:
 Synopsis: HB224 relates to employment by requiring the Workforce Solutions Department to create and distribute a veteran’s benefit and services information poster for display in workplaces.  

Analysis: House Bill 224 (HB 224) requires the Workforce Solutions Department to consult with the Veterans' Services Department to create and distribute a veterans' benefits and services information poster. 
The poster shall have, at a minimum: (1) contact and website information for the Veterans' Services Department; (2) substance abuse and mental health treatment information, (3) educational, workforce and training resources for veterans; (4) veterans' tax benefit information; (5) information on obtaining a New Mexico driver's license or identification card; (6) contact information for legal services for veterans; (7) eligibility criteria for unemployment insurance benefits; and (8) contact information for the United States Department of Veterans Affairs.

Employers with more than fifty full-time equivalent employees shall display the poster created and distributed in a conspicuous place accessible to employees in the workplace.