Roadrunner Capitol Reports
Legislation Detail


Rep Jason C. Harper

Actions: [3] HTRC/HAFC-HTRC

Scheduled: Not Scheduled

image of sponsor
 House Bill 217 (HB 217) modifies distributions of the Liquor Tax and the Motor Vehicle Tax. 
Legislation Overview:
 House Bill 217 (HB 217) modifies distributions of the Liquor Tax. The Local DWI Grant Fund’s distribution is increased from 45% to 60%. The Health Care Authority Department will receive 30% to use for matching federal funds to the state Medicaid program and for no other purpose.

The Motor Vehicle Tax revenue will no longer go to the General Fund. Instead, 50% each will be distributed to the State Road Fund and the local government Transportation Project Fund.
If passed and signed into law, HB 217 is effective on July 1, 2024.
Current Law:
 The estimate tax revenue for Fiscal Year 2023 from Liquor Tax monthly distributions:
Drug Court Fund (5%), $206,250
Local DWI Grant Fund (45%), $1,856,250
Certain Class A Counties (flat amount), $20,750
General Fund (remainder of monthly revenue), $2,041,750
Relates To:
 HB 217 relates to HB 179,  HB 212, HB 213, and SB 147.