Roadrunner Capitol Reports
Legislation Detail


Sen Antoinette Sedillo-Lopez

Actions: [2] SCC/SHPAC/SFC-SCC

Scheduled: Not Scheduled

image of sponsor
 Senate Bill 156 (SB 156):  This legislation is related to brain injury services in the state of New Mexico. It outlines the creation of a "Brain Injury Registry," amendments to the "Brain Injury Services Fund," and appropriations for fiscal year 2025. 
Legislation Overview:
 Senate Bill 156 (SB 156): Section 1 - The "Brain Injury Services Fund" is created as a non-reverting fund in the state treasury.
•	The fund is intended to be invested and all income earned on the fund shall be credited to the fund.
•	The purpose of the fund is to institute and maintain a statewide brain injury services program to increase the independence of individuals with brain injuries.
•	The health care authority department is responsible for adopting rules and policies to administer the program.

This legislation provides a detailed definition of "brain injury," including traumatic or acquired origins and various causes. 
•	Excludes certain types of injuries from the definition, such as congenital, degenerative, birth trauma-induced, age-related neurological disorders, and chemically caused brain injuries due to habitual substance abuse.

Section 2 - A new section is enacted to create the "Brain Injury Registry."
•	The health care authority department is tasked with establishing and administering the registry.
•	The registry is voluntary and provides information about treatment, services, supports, and opportunities for medical research to registrants.
•	Brain injury surveillance, including the collection and maintenance of statistical information, is part of the registry's functions.
•	The collected statistical information is made available to the public.
•	Protected health information and personally identifiable information in the registry are to be kept confidential.
Section 3 - Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2025 - One million dollars ($1,000,000) from the general fund is appropriated to the Brain Injury Services Fund for establishing and supporting the Brain Injury Registry and developing a website for it.
•	Additional appropriations include six hundred thousand dollars ($600,000) to the health care authority department for brain injury surveillance and three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) to the board of regents of the University of New Mexico for a project focused on brain injury in community health care outcomes.
•	The health care authority department is required to submit an annual report to the appropriate interim legislative committees regarding the administration of the Brain Injury Registry and the department's brain injury surveillance activities.