Roadrunner Capitol Reports
Legislation Detail


Sen Bill Tallman

Actions: [2] SCC/SHPAC/SFC-SCC [4]germane-SHPAC [6] DP-SFC

Scheduled: Not Scheduled

image of sponsor
 SB 149 Creates the Behavioral Health Faclities Act and the Behavioral Health Facilities Fund . An approriation of $160,800,000 is appropriated for planning and construction of behavioral health facilities.  
Legislation Overview:
 Synopsis: SB 149 relates to behavioral health, by enacting the Behavioral Health Facilities Fund Act, and creating the Behavioral Health Facilities Fund which provides for grants to plan and purchase, renovate of construct behavioral health treatment facilities. An appropriation is made.
Analysis: SB 149 enacts the Behavioral Health Facilities Fund Act and creates the Behavioral Health Facilities Fund. The appropriation of $160,800,000 is made to support the Fund.
The appropriation is made to the Health Care Authority Department and to the Fund. The Fund consists of appropriations, gifts, grants, donations, income from investment of the fund and any other money distributed or otherwise allocated to the fund.
The Department shall develop a statewide strategic plan for the delivery of behavioral health services. The plan shall establish certain broad guidelines, structure, and design to be used in developing criteria for evaluation of grant proposals for planning and construction. No planning grants shall exceed $100,000. 
These criteria shall be based on evidence-based practices of the sequential intercept model and treatment standards approved by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration of the Federal Department of Health and Human Services
Funds may be awarded only to counties in which there is a public post-secondary educational institution that offers degrees in any field that supports careers in behavioral health treatment and to municipalities within such counties.