Roadrunner Capitol Reports Roadrunner Capitol Reports
Legislation Detail
Sponsored By: Rep Yanira Gurrola Valenzuela

Actions: [2] HEC/HAFC-HEC

Scheduled: Not Scheduled

 House Bill 223  in Public School Finance increases the cost differential factor used to calculate bilingual multicultural education program units by 0.1 each year for five years.  
Legislation Overview:
 House Bill 223 amends Public Schools bilingual multicultural education program units  to delete dated references for the cost differential factor and inserted a new cost differential factor. The cost differential factor shall be: 
A. 0.6, effective July 1, 2025; 
B. 0.7, effective July 1, 2026; 
C. 0.8, effective July 1, 2027; 
D. 0.9, effective July 1, 2028; and 
E. 1.0, effective July 1, 2029 and subsequent years. 
Current Law:
 House Bill 223 Public School Finance Section 22-8-22 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1974, Chapter 8, Section 13, as amended) represents the current differential cost factor. 
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