Actions: [2] HEC/HAFC-HEC
Scheduled: Not Scheduled
House Bill 223 in Public School Finance increases the cost differential factor used to calculate bilingual multicultural education program units by 0.1 each year for five years.Legislation Overview:
House Bill 223 amends Public Schools bilingual multicultural education program units to delete dated references for the cost differential factor and inserted a new cost differential factor. The cost differential factor shall be: A. 0.6, effective July 1, 2025; B. 0.7, effective July 1, 2026; C. 0.8, effective July 1, 2027; D. 0.9, effective July 1, 2028; and E. 1.0, effective July 1, 2029 and subsequent years.Current Law:
House Bill 223 Public School Finance Section 22-8-22 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1974, Chapter 8, Section 13, as amended) represents the current differential cost factor.