Roadrunner Capitol Reports
Legislation Detail


Sen Antonio "Moe" Maestas

Actions: [2] SCC/SEC/SFC-SCC

Scheduled: Not Scheduled

image of sponsor
 Senate Bill 143 (SB 143) relates to Public School finance to provide for school-based instruction programs for disabled students. SB 143 creates the disability language program unit. SB 143 allows school districts and charter schools that develop and implement disability language instruction programs to receive distributions created by the program unit. SSB 143 instructs the Public Education Department to review and evaluate the programs. 
Legislation Overview:
 Senate Bill 143 provides for school-based instruction programs (Programs) for disabled students; creates the disability language program unit (Units); allows school to receive distributions created by the program unit. SB 143 directs the Public Education Department (PED) to evaluate the programs.

SECTION 1 adds a section of the Public School Finance Act to create Units.

A. School districts and charter schools that develop and implement Programs that meet the needs of students who are deaf or hard-of-hearing or require the use of American sign language as their primary receptive or expressive form of communication are eligible for Units.

B. To be eligible for the funding generated by the Unit, a school district or charter school must develop and implement a school-based Program to meet the needs of disabled students. 

C. To be eligible for the Units, a student must participate in a school-based Program and the student's individualized educational program must indicate that the student is deaf or hard-of-hearing or requires the use of American sign language. 

D. The department shall review and evaluate any school-based Program developed and implemented by a school district or charter school. 

SECTION 2 amends Public Schools Section 22-8-18 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1974, Chapter 8, Section 8, as amended) under the program cost calculation in Subsection A to insert item (4) disability language; renumbers the subsection.

SECTION 3 adds new Public Schools Section 22-8-21.1 NMSA 1978 entitled Disability Language Program Unit to specify the calculation of the number of Units.

SECTION 4 makes this act applicable to the 2024-2025 school year and subsequent school years. 
Current Law:
 Senate Bill 143 duplicates House Bill 228.