Roadrunner Capitol Reports
Legislation Detail


Sen George K Munoz

Actions: [2] SCC/STBTC/SJC-SCC

Scheduled: Not Scheduled

image of sponsor
 Senate Bill 141 (SB 141) This legislative act is related to recycled metals, specifically addressing the inclusion of palladium, platinum, and rhodium in the definition of "regulated material." The act introduces requirements for the purchase or receipt of catalytic converters containing these metals, along with record-keeping obligations for secondhand metal dealers. 

Legislation Overview:
 Senate Bill 141 (SB 141) Definition of Regulated Material: 
•	The definition of "regulated material" is expanded to include palladium, platinum, and rhodium in addition to other metals like aluminum, bronze, copper, steel, lead, and others.
•	Purchase of Catalytic Converters: The act imposes specific requirements on secondhand metal dealers when purchasing or receiving catalytic converters. 
•	This includes verifying the seller's identity, creating a record of the transaction, and attaching specific information to the catalytic converter.

Record-Keeping Requirements: 
•	Secondhand metal dealers are required to maintain records of purchases, including details such as the date, time, place of purchase, seller's information, and information about the regulated material. Digital images, receipts, or notarized declarations may also be required.

Database Creation: 
•	The legislation mandates the establishment of a database by the Department of Public Safety to collect and maintain information reported under the Sale of Recycled Metals Act.

Prevention Program: 
•	A program is initiated to encourage residents to take measures to prevent and deter the theft of catalytic converters, including painting them with high-temperature orange paint and engraving the vehicle identification number on them.

Criminal Penalties: 
•	The act introduces criminal penalties for violations or falsification of statements required by the act. Penalties may vary depending on whether the violation involves catalytic converters or other regulated materials.
•	Secondhand metal dealers are required to preserve records until the third anniversary of the date the record was made.
•	Peace officers and other authorized individuals have the right to inspect records during normal business hours.
•	This legislative act introduces penalties for criminal damage to property resulting from the theft or attempted theft of regulated material, including a specific mention of catalytic converters.

The provisions of the act apply to transactions made on or after January 1, 2025.