Roadrunner Capitol Reports
Legislation Detail


Rep Charlotte Little

Actions: [2] HHHC-HHHC [10] DP [16] PASSED/H (70-0) SGND.

Scheduled: Not Scheduled

image of sponsor
 House Memorial 12 (HM 12) relates to the behavioral healthcare workforce in New Mexico and seeks a study to reduce burdens on the workforce and to expand the workforce. 
Legislation Overview:
 The memorial provides background on the issues facing the behavioral healthcare workforce, including an increased demand for behavioral health services and a shortage of providers. It asks that the Interagency Behavioral Health Purchasing Collaborative be requested to partner with statewide associations that represent behavioral healthcare providers to study the issue and make recommendations by November 1, 2024, to the Governor and Legislative Health and Human Services Committee (LESC).

Copies of the memorial are to be sent to the Governor, Health Care Authority secretary and LESC.