Roadrunner Capitol Reports
Legislation Detail


Rep Debra Mari Sarinana

Actions: [2] HGEIC/HJC-HGEIC [4] DP/a-HJC [8] DP-T

Scheduled: Not Scheduled

image of sponsor
 House Bill 184 (HB 184) enacts the Government Use of Artificial Intelligence Transparency Act (GUAIT); requires inventories and assessments of artificial intelligence system use; requires reports; amends the procurement code; requires vendor transparency for purchases of artificial intelligence products and services; provides definitions; and makes an appropriation. 
Legislation Overview:
 House Bill 184 (HB 184) enacts the Government Use of Artificial Intelligence Transparency Act (GUAIT); requires inventories and assessments of artificial intelligence system use; requires reports; amends the procurement code; requires vendor transparency for purchases of artificial intelligence products and services; provides definitions; and makes an appropriation.

Definitions are provided for “artificial intelligence”, “artificial intelligence systems”, “assessment”, “bias”, and other related terms.
By October 1, 2024, each agency must submit an inventory of any artificial intelligence systems they have or use. Requirements for reporting are specified. An aggregate inventory report will then be created and will be submitted to the governor, the Legislative Finance Committee (LFC) and the legislative interim committee focused on science and technology.

All artificial intelligence systems will be annually assessed.

Section 13-1-28 NMSA 1978 is amended to require that any contract for procurement of an artificial intelligence related product or service include a requirement for transparency by the vendor.

An appropriation of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) is made from the General Fund to the General Services Department for staff and other costs to implement the GUAIT.
Current Law:
 No current state law specifically addresses agency use of artificial intelligence (AI). If the bill does not pass, situations or questions that arise regarding AI use will have to be dealt with within the existing scope of the law. Further, the procurement code does not impose any requirements or restrictions regarding AI-related purchases. If the bill does not pass, such requirements or restrictions will not be in place. 
 Amended January 29, 2024 by the Government, Elections and Indian Affairs Committee

HGEICa/HB 184: The Government, Elections and Indian Affairs Committee amends House Bill 184 (HB 184) as follows:

1. On page 3, line 15, strike “general services department” and insert in lieu thereof “department of information technology”. 

2. On page 5, lines 23 and 24, strike “general services department” and insert in lieu thereof “department of information technology”.
Relates To:
 Senate Bill 130 (SB 130) – Artificial Intelligence Work Groups
House Bill 182 (HB 182) – Election Changes