Roadrunner Capitol Reports
Legislation Detail


Sen Steven P. Neville

Actions: [2] SRC/SCONC-SRC

Scheduled: Not Scheduled

image of sponsor
 Senate Memorial 2 (SM 2) relates to carbon emissions and seeks repeal of the state’s electric vehicle mandate. 
Legislation Overview:
 The memorial asks the Environmental Improvement Board (EIB) to repeal the mandate that requires that 43 percent of all vehicles delivered to New Mexico for sale must be zero-emission beginning in 2026. The percentage increases yearly until 2032. 

SM 2 provides background on carbon emissions, passage of the mandate and related issues. In addition to repealing the mandate, the memorial asks that the EIB conduct an analysis of the feasibility of electric vehicle use in New Mexico and potential damages such a mandate would have on the economy and businesses in the state before acting further on the topic. 

A copy of the memorial is to be sent to the EIB.