Roadrunner Capitol Reports
Legislation Detail


Rep Dayan Hochman-Vigil

Actions: [2] not prntd-HRC [3] w/drn-prntd-ref- HCPAC/HJC-HCPAC [5] DP/a-HJC

Scheduled: Not Scheduled

image of sponsor
 HB 144 Office of Gun Violence Prevention and Intervention, assigned to the Department of Health, creates a director and a committee. A report to the Legislative Council is required.  
Legislation Overview:
 Synopsis: HB 144 relates to gun violence by creating the office of Gun Violence Prevention and Intervention. Also providing for appointing a director, supporting research, and providing an annual report.
Analysis: HB 144 creates the Office of Gun Violence Prevention and Intervention Act. The Act appoints the Department of Health to establish the Office of Gun Violence Prevention and Intervention.
A director of the Office is to be appointed for a six year term except the first director is to serve only from July 1, 2024 until December 31, 2024. However, the permanent director may serve consecutive terms.
Duties of the director is to adopt rules for the Office and hire and contract for such professional technical and support staff as needed. Hiring must be without party affiliation and soly on the grounds of competence and fitness to perform the duties of the position. 
There is to be a director selection committee of nine members four members selected by the Legislative Council, four members selected by the Governor, and a committee chair selected by the committee who is not a candidate for the position of director. No more the two members of whom are from the same political party for those entities above will be selected.
The Director is to create and maintain a resource bank of regularly updated data , research and statistical and resources regarding gun violence. The Director is to assist researchers and collaborate with research institutions. Also, the Director is to  identify gaps in research, improve understanding of barriers to safety from gun violence, facilitate coordination among state agencies, localities, and non-governmental  groups for better understanding of gun violence, conduct gun violence prevention awareness and outreach campaigns, and outline best practices for prevention of gun violence with tools and resources.
The Office is to pursue grants and any other available funding such as through Federal grants. The Office may seek collaboration with other state departments and other partners.
The Office shall make a report to the legislature of its finding and recommendations through the Legislative Council. The Office shall make the report available publicly though it own website of that of the Health Department. 
The effective date of this Act is July 1, 2024. 
 Amended January 31,2024
 HCPACa/HB144:The House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee amendment in which references to the selection of a director and the committee to select a director have been replaced with appointment by the Governor and the position will be an exempt employee. All reference to Section 7 committee selection has been struck. Protection of identifying information by the Injury and Violence Protection Program is mandated by the Department. 
A new Section 9 states that: five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) is appropriated from the General Fund to the Department of Health for expenditure in fiscal year 2025 to hire or contract employees to perform the duties of the Office of Gun Violence Prevention and Intervention Act. An unexpended or unencumbered balance remaining at the end of fiscal year 2025 shall revert to the general fund.