Roadrunner Capitol Reports
Legislation Detail


Rep William Rehm

Actions: HPREF [2] not prntd-HRC

Scheduled: Not Scheduled

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 House Bill 47 (HB 47) relates to criminal law and creates the third-degree felony crime of unlawful carrying of a firearm while trafficking a controlled substance.   
Legislation Overview:
 House Bill 47 (HB 47) enacts a new section of the Criminal Code to create the crime of unlawful carrying of a firearm while trafficking a controlled substance.  This offense is a third-degree felony.  

Trafficking a controlled substance is defined in Section 30-31-20 NMSA 1978 and includes manufacturing, distributing, selling, bartering, giving away, or possessing with the intent to distribute, a controlled substance.  The bill defines “firearm” as a weapon that will or is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosion or the frame or receiver of such a weapon.   

HB 47 is effective July 1, 2024.  
Current Law:
 Unlawful carrying of a firearm while trafficking a controlled substance is currently not a specific offense.