Roadrunner Capitol Reports
Legislation Detail


Rep Joy Garratt

Actions: HPREF [1] not prntd-HRC

Scheduled: Not Scheduled

image of sponsor
 House Bill 4 (HB 4) requires contributions to apprentice and training programs or to the Public Works Apprentice and Training Fund for all public works construction projects, and conforms references to the Workforce Solutions Department throughout the Public Works Apprentice and Training Act. 
Legislation Overview:
 House Bill 4 (HB 4) amends the Public Works Apprentice and Training Act (Act) by providing that the Act is administered by the Workforce Solutions Department, not the Public Works Bureau of the Labor Relations Division of the Workforce Solutions Department. The bill also replaces all of the Act’s references to the Labor and Industrial Division of the Labor Department with the Workforce Solutions Department. 

HB 4 requires that all public works construction projects contribute to apprentice and training programs or to the public works apprentice and training fund. The bill removes any exceptions to this requirement.  
Current Law:
 Currently, exceptions for apprentice and training contributions are made for street, highway, bridge, road, utility or maintenance contracts with employers who elect not to participate in training.  The Act is currently administered by the Public Works Bureau of the Labor Relations Division and references the Labor Department throughout the Act.