Roadrunner Capitol Reports
Legislation Detail


Rep Joy Garratt

Actions: HPREF [2] not prntd-HRC

Scheduled: Not Scheduled

image of sponsor
 House Bill 85 (HB 85):  This legislative bill would enhance transparency in lobbying activities, ensure public access to relevant information, and streamline reporting processes.  
Legislation Overview:
 House Bill 86 (HB 86)   •	Section 1: Lobbying Activity Report - Filing Requirement: Lobbyists or their employers must file an activity report with the Secretary of State before the adjournment of a legislative session.  The report should disclose lobbying activities on legislation, including activities before legislation is introduced and lobbying on legislation not introduced in a session.  Identifies specific legislation lobbied and states the lobbyist's or employer's support, opposition, or other positions on the legislation, the report should also include any changes in the position taken.  
•	The report would state the name of the lobbyist's employer involved in the lobbying.  If lobbying begins after the legislative session adjourns, a report must be filed before the governor's deadline for acting on legislation.  
•	Reporting on a piece of legislation is required only once per legislative session unless there's a change in the lobbyist's or employer's position.  
•	Format and Time: The Secretary of State will prescribe the format and time for filing the lobbying activity report.  The lobbying activity reports for each specific piece of legislation shall be included or linked on the legislature's website for that legislation.  
•	Section 2: Amendments to Section 2-11-7 NMSA 1978 - Registration, expenditure, and lobbying activity reports must be archived and accessible on the Secretary of State's lobbyist disclosure website for at least ten years from the date of filing.  Reports will be open to public inspection at any reasonable time.  Reports may be destroyed ten years after the filing date unless there's a pending action or prosecution requiring preservation.  Reports shall be kept and maintained on the Secretary of State's lobbyist disclosure website and should be available in searchable and downloadable formats.  
•	The records on the website should be easily searchable, sortable, and downloadable by the public.  
•	Integration with Campaign Reporting Act: The Secretary of State will ensure that contributions reported under the Lobbyist Regulation Act are consistent with the reporting requirements of the Campaign Reporting Act.  
•	Individuals under the Campaign Reporting Act will receive automatic electronic notice of contributions reported by lobbyists and their employers within twenty-four hours of the filing of each expenditure report.  
•	The effective date of the provisions in this act is January 1, 2026.